only You.

My heart breaks for Korea. I’m so burdened..the mourning is so heavy. Comfort Your people, Lord. It’s only You, Jesus, that can. Come and comfort. Come, Lord Jesus, come. 

as it is.

I was welcomed back to Thailand by mosquitoes, geckos, and immense heat. Life here is so different from America. There’s much to compare. But I’ve been convicted that though the comparisons are much…that all the more, I would be content. It’s incredible just how encouraging Paul’s letters have been to me while on the field. I’m so thankful for forerunners. 

In many ways, I dreaded coming back. The reasons are unending. Missions is hard. Rescuing children and caring for them is messy. Language learning is humbling. Building relationships and loving the people is draining. Yielding to the culture is tiring. Doing life in Thailand is uncomfortable. There’s been much cost to stay here…much more than I thought there would be and it certainly doesn’t go away over time. Through all the loss, remind me that You’re worth it. You’re my Surpassing Worth. And so again, today, I submit to You. 

May my life be used here, poured out in love..for the sake of my Father, by the Holy Spirit, until the Kingdom of God comes, here in Thailand, as it is Heaven. 


At the end of my life, at the end of each day…I want to have been fully spent. I want to have given all. All or nothing. Not half in, half out. Not sometimes and sometimes not. Not sorta this or sorta that. All. I don’t have much, but may my all be spent for You. 

This weekend, I went to the border where Laos youth believers came to Thailand for training in children’s ministry. They are precious. They are hungry. 

I was reminded that training is important, learning and growing…all good. But hunger, this is pivotal. This will catapult me into this or that. 

At the end of my life, at the end of each day…I want to have been fully spent. I want to be hungry. 

Because You are worth my everything, and you leave me wanting more of You. 

Incredible. You receive and You give. You take and You fill. 


my Surpassing Worth, and You are worthy of it all. 

I believe this and I choose to believe this in the days to come, even when I may not feel it. 

You are worthy of it all. 

not wasted.

“God is the ultimate steward. He even turns our tears into the seeds of a hope filled future.” -Bill Johnson

Nothing’s been wasted. The loneliness and pain…not wasted. He’s stewarding it all. Incredible. 


You are my surpassing worth. May this be true in all season, all circumstances, all places, private, and public. 

I want to drink more deeply from the Gospel everyday. 

My prayer tonight and for this year. 

best friend.

They may leave, forget, hurt, disappoint, draw back. But You don’t. Thank You, Yeshua for being my Friend, my Forever Friend…a Good Friend. 


A song I learned here in Thailand, a song I love singing with my Thai brothers and sisters. A song I pray to hear from the next generation of Thai’s.


with Your love.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever. Here and there. When I have and when I don’t have. When You give and when You take away. When I see and when I don’t see. When I feel and when I don’t feel. When I understand and when I don’t understand.

With Your love, You satisfy my soul.

Thank You.